Rainbow Queen

Rainbow Queen
Art by Norman E. Masters

Delectable You Are

Delectable you are to me
such sweet delight!
as i enjoy the Absolute of you, Sophia.

Your delicate thoughts
ripple into me, *penetrating* me
to my verymost depths...

You understand... You *care*...

So gently, so sensitively
You assuage the pain
the wounds of my life
that have cut so deeply
& festered thru the change.

Mother of the All
i hear Your call
like the melody of the Infinite
playing me.

As my whole essence of being
quivers in intensitudes of yearning
for the fullness of perfect knowing

i would *know* You unto Your uttermost depths.

You are the transparent Path
unveiling the trans*temporal Wisdom;
& in your Mystery
the universal purpose
undulates -- so seductively!
Your immanent unfolding.

i *see* Your shimmering beauty
behind the veil of tomorrow
& can *taste*
the beatified wonder
of the tongue of Your Words
licking into my mind.

Is it *Your* tongue
or is it *mine*
rippling so delicately in?

Is it *You* who is infusing me
so utterly
or is it i
who am penetrating *You*
so joyously,
so ecstatically?!

~~wynn manners

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