Pregnant Mary Magdalene

Pregnant Mary Magdalene
Art by Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli

All Our Closenesses Remembered

Mary Magdalene, remembering Yeshua:

I could lie in his garments, close my eyes,
& remember the intensitudes of our loving
from the aroma still clinging
to the threads of their weaving.

These memories
would bring him closer
to me, again,



Christ and Magdalene

Christ and Magdalene, 1618
Art by Peter Paul Rubens

Yeshua, remembering Mary Magdalene:

She was a richly textured being,
with no end to her inner layerings,
a mystical rose of infinite petals;
in & in & in, I could go
endlessly in to her,
with evernew surprises
to delight and enchant.

The power to *erupt* in love
*surged* thru her.

There was a special &
enamouring *secret* aroma
that fragranced her
whenever she was excited
and especially aroused.

She was always my angel, enfleshed,
her touch soft like angel*kisses,
her delicate voice, caressing my name
like singing snowflakes...

~~wynn manners

Discussions of and poetry upon Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Sophia and Shekinah are happening here:
Yeshua and Mirya

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