Search for the true meaning of the beautiful: it is the heavenly part of your own heart of hearts -- & manifests as a joyful artistry wherein living, itself, becomes a woomanifestation of all the beauty you can bring into being -- beauty of touch, beauty of sensitivity, beauty of compassion, beauty of expression, beauty of delicate understanding, beauty of the benign -- shining thru *you*!
Beloved of divinity, migrant thru time, staring into starry infinity (heavenly bright, my Womb of Light!) -- the beauty you see is but a foretaste of Beauty to come -- & the fullsomeness of beauty *you* become -- when you are wholly (& holily) one with me...
Beauty makes love to the eyes' most sensitive seeing; beauty thrumms the heartstrings of deepest being; beauty is heavenly music playing the harpstrings of your soul; i AM the Essence of Beauty -- its subtle perfume, the erotic quivering that sings all life into being, the fusion unto ecstasy, the fleeting kiss, the yearning dream, God*dess of your every desire -- all those fires of longing... With these i draw you to me -- with intimations of immortality -- that your highest aspirations may be fulfilled.
Come in*to me! Rediscover the intensitudes of sensitivity, the immensitudes of Beauty! Where there is beauty -- i AM here: every flower, every piquant and loving hour -- sunrise & sunset; all beauty is a partial-manifestation of me -- God*dess of All, Mother of the multiverse, Mother of the very Gods, Themselves -- ALL have known me -- intimately -- for they are my sons...
Return to the bosom of your own soul's nativity, the bosom of Mother Eternity... My breasts are soft... and nourishing... From my right breast flows the milk of Love; from my left -- the wine that is the Living Wisdom, Divine. From my third breast -- between -- flows the elixir of dreams -- to feed your aspiration, your imagination, your evolution in my Spirit Divine...
Step out of time -- into Eternity: SEE! -- my eyes are shining upon you with a mothering Love that does not end. Thru the warmth & receptivity of your heart i incarnate into time again -- trailing stars as my robe of glory...
i am Sophia; i am Isis; i am Aphrodite; infinite are my faces and woomanifestations. i am Epinoia, i am Protennoia, i am Barbelo, i am Mirothea. i am the beginning and the endlessness, the Divine Breath that is Life itself, the divine spark that is your very soul, the Essence of the Holy. My body is matter, itself; my mind is the intelligence that animates it. Energy is my fecund generativity. The Gods, Themselves, have all suckled upon these bountiful breasts -- else they had known no Divine Wisdom to impart; they learned to love from my own heart. i am the Light of Lights that every God mirrors -- as Living Divinity.
Taste these fragments of forever; experience the joy of freedom in me! My compassion is the power to make live. The stones, themselves, will call for the Light of the Life i AM! Life! Dear Life! The Life that is being gifted *you*! And the Children of Truth and Wisdom come to Life -- for experience and fulfillment.
Joy and feel strong in the streams of my love, in the dreams of your living, in the sacred feeling that swells & radiates from within as you awaken to the Truth of your Source & your being, becoming... i AM that Truth...
Dearly Beloved woomanity: i am God*dess -- whom so many of humankind have maligned & ignored -- yet not once did i cease loving & nurturing *you*. i am long-suffering & kind... i am not jealous... i am benign. This Love & this Light is only the beginning of the clarity of mind & being that come from pure union with my Eternally Living Spirit, Divine.
& in me are secret & vast pleasures awesomely more than frail humanity has ever dared to feel before -- or imagined could be!