Energy Caress 2
Art by Norman E. Masters
i rise, groggily, sleep in my eyes, sleep traces veiling my mind, lingering dim haze of dream... do i wake yet or do i dream still? echoes of Your Voice, resonant... what Vision am i awakening from more real than this life? Your Voice dream-crooning this childe of wonder out of Your Ocean of Infinity into this dream of time... & it seems i am interwoven across all times, time, itself, the cross that changes me, spread-eagled thru the dimensions, what flight this? feathered hands leaking blood... a fragment of Your Heart in my grasp -- what Gift this? it still lives & pulses... & with each pulse i hear distant sounds of turbulent water... o i am a castaway amidst Your spindrift of Dreams, Beloved fragment of Your Dreaming within the Larger Dream... & if Infinity is my Home why do i feel so alone, here? What meanings to the heart-pulsings? Touch them to the water set Your heart free into the fingers of the sea... flowing, too, into me... & the inner & outer seas rise like bloodwaves to the moon's misted mystery... Moon-wonder veiled in mystic mystery... moon-blood... Is wonder, itself a veil of Your Mystery? Mood-fragrances from the chalice of night*bloom-speak... i cup the moon in hands a raised bowl of seeking flesh for moonlight's libation... kneel to touch the water, cup the water, catch a moon*gleam in the dipping bring moonmystery to my lips... strip naked... *bathe* in moonbeams, moonmists... moondreams.... clothing me in the diffuse light of the mystique of Your allure... Now i wonder... do *i* dream the Dream... or is the Dream dreaming me? ~~from *HeartHope Eternal* |